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Join us for a Retake Our Democracy Zoominar on Public Power & Local Choice Energy - Dec 7 @ 6 PM

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

Join us for a Retake Our Democracy

Zoominar on Public Power & Local Choice Energy

Wednesday, December 7 from 6-7:30 PM Register now at

Learn about Local Choice Energy legislation to be introduced in the 2023 Session. This legislation will empower our communities with a choice to generate or purchase renewable electricity, which will lower our utility bills, invest in our communities, create local jobs, increase resiliency, and help local governments access unprecedented federal funding to build out clean energy infrastructure. Local Choice would be available to cities, counties, Indian nations, tribes or pueblos, or any combination of these. Join us and learn about similar movements across the nation. Let’s create energy democracy in New Mexico!

Featuring panelists:

  • Senator Carrie Hamblen

  • Local Energy Aggregation Network Executive Director Alison Elliott

  • Local Clean Energy Alliance Energy Democracy Organizer Jessica Guadalupe Tovar

  • Public Power New Mexico Campaign Director Alysha Shaw

Presenter Bios: Senator Carrie Hamblen represents NM Senate District 38, and is one of the sponsors of Local Choice Energy legislation. Carrie is proud to be the CEO/President of the Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce, supporting locally owned businesses and protecting our public lands. In her free time, she likes to spend time in her community, working on her 1948 house that she shares with her wife, Char.

Alison has been with LEAN for 10 years. During that time, she has worked closely with LEAN's leadership and partners in assisting to launch several California CCAs and has developed a strong understanding of the energy sector and CCA history and politics across the US. She is responsible for LEAN's operational functions as well as developing and nurturing LEAN's relationships with like-minded companies and organizations nationwide.

Jessica Guadalupe Tovar is an Energy Democracy Organizer with the Local Clean Energy Alliance (LCEA) and a longtime environmental justice organizer. She currently promotes equity in clean energy as the coordinator of the East Bay Clean Power Alliance, which has advanced local clean energy solutions by establishing a Community Choice program; East Bay Community Energy, a public energy services provider agency that is now providing electricity for over 1.5 million people in Alameda County. LCEA is jumpstarting a just transition with a Local Development Business Plan--A Green New Deal for Alameda County with net revenues from East Bay Community Energy to advance clean energy programs and projects to build community energy resilience and wealth we need to bring Clean Power to the People!

Alysha Shaw is the Campaign Director of Public Power New Mexico. She has been a community organizer for most of her life, contributing to and leading grassroots issue advocacy campaigns and political campaigns in a variety of roles. She is deeply committed to organizing to affect the policy changes we need to catalyze a renewable energy future that will improve our communities and save our planet.

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